Pressure massage is the most basic and easiest way to care for a scar. It is important to be regular and to apply pressure at least twice a day. Start slowly, as the wound can still be tender.

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Pressure massage
is the easiest method to take care of a scar.
Set a routine
(e.g. morning, evening) to follow.
Be careful
- the scar is very tender.
Less is more.
Start with gradual pressure.
Never apply pressure
when the wound is open.
Apply pressure ideally 2-3 times a day
for 10-15 minutes, while the scar is maturing (until it is red).
Begin to gently "stroke" the scar with the pads of your fingers. As soon as the scar gets used to the touch, add pressure.
Initially, squeeze the scar with your fingertips until it turns pale - hold your fingers in place and count to 15, then move your fingers further
Proceed preferably from the edges of the body towards the heart.
Once the scar has thickened (about 2-3 months), you can add circular, longitudinal and transverse movements.
Use a moisturizing cream during the massage.
It is preferable to apply pressure to the scar as you stretch it (the scar will turn pale as you do so).

Note: Children often cry during pressure massage – the pressure itself does not hurt, it is just uncomfortable and restricts the child’s movement. Therefore, try to think of a “reward” and direct the child’s attention elsewhere.

All three practices complement each other. Only by combining them will you achieve better scar healing.



  • What is pressure massage?

    Pressure massage

    • has an impact on the final character of the scar and therefore on the functional and aesthetic outcome after the injury;
    • its effect is produced by two basic mechanisms:

    Mechanical action, which leads to the disruption of chaotic collagen fibres and the reduction of non-bacterial inflammation in the scar. The positive effect of massage on the lymphatic drainage from the wound and thus on the reduction of swelling is essential.

    Reflex action on free nerve endings in the scar. This relaxes the muscles and releases “happiness hormones” such as serotonin.

  • When to start the massage?

    It is best to start when the wound is fully healed. If pressure massage is started too soon, it risks reopening the wound. The freshly healed area is very fragile. Excessive pressure (especially frictional pressure) can mechanically damage the scar. However, every scar is different and must be treated individually.

    In clinical practice, we therefore recommend starting massage very carefully at an interval of at least 10 days after the closure of the wound. As part of the massage, it is recommended to use an emollient (e.g. cream) to allow smoother finger movement over the scar and reduce the risk of skin damage.

  • How often do you massage?

    As a standard, patients are advised to massage for about 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day while the scar is maturing, i.e. 1-2 years after the injury (while the scar is still active – you can tell by the red colouration in the scar).

  • What is the massage technique?

    1. Initial phase (from about day 10 after healing)
      Gently squeeze the scar with the pads of your fingers to fade it. Count to 15 and then release. Work from the edges of the wound towards the heart (lymphatic drainage). (Image 1)
    2. phase of cover strengthening (about 2-3 months after healing)
      Add circular rhythmic movements. 
      Add parallel movements. 
      Add transverse movements.
    3. deep mobilisation phase (rolling)
      Take the scar between your thumb and index finger, form an eyelash and move it gently against the base. However, this technique requires a firm scar that can withstand relatively large mechanical deformation. The advantage is that there is a loosening of the deep adhesions of the scar to the muscle.

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